Saturday, September 7, 2013
Caroline Catz: 'Louisa tries to make Martin sociable!'
Caroline Catz talks about what life has in store for Doc Martin and Louisa, now they're finally husband and wife...
Doc Martin and Louisa have finally tied the knot. Did you go into Bridezilla mode when preparing for their wedding?
"It was a bit like that, as we did fitting after fitting for the wedding dress! The wedding dress gets a story, so you see it gradually get broken down. We had to make four dresses, as we had to keep making adjustments to them, which meant lots of fittings. When they put the veil on I looked in the mirror and went weirdly teary!"
How was it filming the wedding scenes?
"Filming the wedding scenes was amazing. It was quite overwhelming to be in this beautiful church and for Louisa and Martin to be tying the knot after all these years of waiting. It's been a long time coming!"
Doc Martin shoots are known for being cold affairs. How did you stay warm?
"It was really cold when we were filming it and there were some night shoots too! You wonder, how is it possible to be warm in a wedding dress? But we found ways! Luckily the dress we chose could fit thermals under it."
Doc and Louisa have had a few false starts. Were you surprised they finally made it down the aisle?
"We thought it was time for them to finally get together and have some fun with that. That's what is brilliant about the series and why it works so well - it's not done year on year on year and people run out of ideas and scrabble around for storylines. We have a two-year gap so there's time to work it out."
So what unique problems does Louisa face now she’s a married woman?
"She's back at work so there are lots of difficulties there. There are also lots of fun scenes where she’s tries to make Martin more sociable. It doesn’t really work but bless him, he does try! I admire her tenacity. Louisa has a great love for him and great faith in their relationship."
Source: What's on TV